Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This morning I finished True Believer and just loved it....And then I finished At First Sight a couple hours later! I only discovered Nicholas Sparks this past summer when my sister gave me "The Wedding" to read. Of course I couldn't start reading that without going back and reading "The Notebook". I had not done that as I'd seen the movie - which I loved. I'm always so disappointed when I do that, this was definitely the exception. Actually I guess it's the other way around, the movie is always a disappointment when you've read the book! Again - not in this instance. So I've now read all of his books and have to say he's a favorite for me. His books are so easy to slip into. For me True Believer was fun to read as it had a sequel in At First Sight. I enjoy sequels for that reason - you get the rest of the story. I'm anxiously awaiting the release of Twelve Sharp from Janet Evanovich for the same reason - coming June '07! Yeah!

So the rest of the story...I have to say I was surprised and a little miffed with the ending. Not what I was expecting. At First Sight had me in tears at the end. Though they were mixed tears - full of sadness and joy. I'd absolutely recommend them! And I've already started The Sunday List of Dreams....

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I just came home from the Chiropractor and found myself sitting in the car reading the last few pages of this book by Anita Shreve. I just bought the book at Costco a week or so ago and thought it was a new book. But it turns out it's actually a book she wrote back in 1989, her first novel. Which I think is interesting because I read The Pilot's Wife years ago and didn't care for it that much. Maybe I should try it again. This book was good. It's hard to recommend a book that has a difficult story line. It wasn't graphic in anyway, just a difficult story. And of course the ending was wonderful and that's a great thing. That's what I think about now that I've finished the book. Actually wanting the rest of the story. So when a book grabs you that way I think it's safe to say it was a good one...

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Well by the title I had expected something else - but knowing it was James Patterson I should have known better! I really like him as an author. I've read nearly all of his books. This one was good - but somewhat predictable.... I force myself to wait for books to come out in paperback as they are so much easier to read in bed - and so much better on the forehead! I was really tried last night and must have dropped the book 3 times on my face before I gave up! And then ended up finishing the book in the wee hours of the morning when I couldn't sleep. So good book.....3.5 stars!